Monday, September 10, 2007

So this is Diego. He was born 8lbs and 19" on July 24, 2007. He was either 5 or 11 days early depending on which due date you like. The docs were going by the August 4th due date based on my last period. But the other due date was determined by ultrasound, since it was less than a week difference, they just don't change it in your chart.
He is a big boy. I am glad he came early, otherwise I might still be recovering from an episiotomy due to extra large baby.
Today is his Daddy's first day back at work after about 7 weeks off. Thanks to the state of California, he got Paid Family Leave for six weeks! YAY CALIFORNIA. Now I am all alone with the baby and I hope he takes it easy on me. I am new at this.

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