Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Newport Aquarium

We took Diego to visit the aquarium since he tends to gravitate towards fish. He has been saying "fish" since last summer, thanks to GrammaJulie and her fish tank. He says "shish".

He thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Newport. We stayed there for over two hours looking at all the shish and et cetera. It was really cute to watch him get excited and point. And it was hilarious to hear him saying shish over and over.

He enjoyed the alligator exhibit a lot because of the bridge with the see through bottom. He spent a long time walking over that and sometimes laying down and looking down through the bottom.

He didn't get much out of the penguin exhibit because he was obsessed with climbing up and down the stairs there. Getting practice using the handrail. Time well spent and I got to sit down and rest. A little girl about his age took great offense that he was doing that and kept telling him "NO!" but he just looked at her.

We had to carry him out of there kicking and screaming. And then we went back in the front to apply our admission tix to a yearly pass and he must have thought we were going back through. So when we didn't, he went bananas. He was inconsolable for blocks on our way back to the car. I guess he liked it. We will be going back.

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